FBA Calculator

FBA Calculator

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What is FBA Calculator?

Usefulness of FBA Calculator in Marketing

Generally, either you are a marketer or trader into buying and selling, there is a need to calculate. The major purpose of trading is to make profit. I mean that’s the main reason why people spend most of their time searching for new products to sell and other means of getting goods to customers across the globe. So therefore, there is a need to make some necessary calculations to make more gain and earn a good living.

fba calculator

Take for example, Trader A, an amazon seller who is into selling both used and new books, buys at retail price and resell on Amazon at higher rate. He has done his calculations right and understands fully how much he would gain on each book sold on Amazon. That’s just one of the minor reasons why calculation is important in trading.

However, that’s not the agenda of this article. This article lays emphasis on a rather unique and incredible aspect of Amazon trading which FBA. FBA, short form for Fulfillment by Amazon, is an amazing option Amazon gives its sellers as a means to fast track their orders in more organized format.

Since advent of FBA by Amazon, many online tools have been developed to help Amazon FBA users work better and more efficiently. One of those incredible tools is FBA calculator. In this article, we will look into what FBA calculator means, its functions, benefits and how it actually works.

Stay tuned!

What is FBA Calculator?

I figured out that for the sake of new Amazon sellers or people just considering to dive deep into Amazon FBA. This is an opportunity for them to learn one or two things that will help them on their campaign to earning a good living on Amazon using FBA services.

When you hear the work calculator, what comes to mind? I would say something capable of making calculations in respect to FBA.

A FBA calculator is a simply a tool provided by Amazon or any other third-party site to help Amazon FBA sellers calculate their FBA fees including the expenses and profits.

How does FBA Calculator work?

We said earlier, FBA is an alternative provided by Amazon to help its sellers do a number of things which includes packaging and distribution of products both locally and international. Now, Amazon charges some costs for these services. That’s where the FBA calculator comes in handy. Amazon fees for FBA varies depending on the type of services you need. We have made a list, which includes:

 1.Handling of orders

 2.Picking and Packaging of products for distribution

 3.Monthly Storage

 4.Inbound shipping

 5.Outbound Shipping

 6.Handling of Weight

To calculate total FBA fees on a product on Amazon, we have done justice to that in steps to ensure proper understanding:

1) Start by opening the Amazon calculator.

2) Search for the particular product under it and click it.

3) Type into the space provided the price of the product, the shipping cost to Amazon and the total amount it cost per product. These three items are very essential. Make you input them properly before hitting the “calculate” button.

4) Hit “calculate” and wait.

5) After hitting “calculate” another set of information pops up which includes information that will help you decide whether a product is profitable or not. It will review total breakdown of Amazon FBA fees not excluding the revenue, seller’s proceeds and net profits.

Usefulness of FBA Calculator in Marketing

FBA calculator comes with many benefits which most Amazon traders do not know. Maybe some traders understand its benefits that’s why they cannot do without using it. Its benefits include:

Influences some business decision.

It is very important to choose products that will benefit you. Making use of FBA calculator will enable you understand the total breakdown of costs for a particular product. Once you have understood properly you can now decide on whether to sell it or not.

Comparison of Products

An Amazon FBA calculator can help calculate and compare the cost of products with the aim of locating the best and most profitable products for you to sell.

Comparison with Self-Fulfillment

There are some businesses which have other means of shipping and distributing of their products. Amazon FBA calculator helps these kinds of companies compare the cost of using Amazon FBA services with their own fulfillment.

There are, of course, many alternatives to Amazon FBA revenue calculator , and one alternative which comes with a unique benefit is IO Scout, encompassing new Live Chat Personal Amazon Business Consultant. IO Scout’s 24/7 expert chat feature is there to assist in the daily running of your Amazon business, and provide real-time, instant solutions to your queries.


Amazon FBA calculator was developed with the purpose of assisting FBA users on Amazon to gain more information as regards FBA costs and also to understand their return of investment. There are several FBA Calculators for Amazon but our best bet is the one Amazon offers itself.